Saturday, February 27, 2010

Water Collection

Spring is right around the corner...really I swear it is...and right now is the time to start thinking about those spring rains. With careful planning you can collect enough rain water to keep your garden green a lush through the hot summer months. Here is a great selection of ones that can connect right to your gutter downspout, and you'd be amazed at how much water you can collect and save the costs directly off your water bill. This water collector is aesthetically pleasing as well as very functional. For looks and functionality it is one of my favorites, has what I'd consider medium capacity. It could easily pay for itself in one season at the price of water/sewer bills. Want to make your own?...a simply trash can with a hole cut into the lid to insert the downspout will work just fine and you can simply fill a watering can from the top. IF you are more creative, you can visit your local hardware store for some hose parts and fashion a spigot at the bottom. Once you have used this type of system and love it, you can consider something much bigger, but that's a different post...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

time to build those cold frames

Cold frames are a wonderful thing. They allow you to get your veggies growing much sooner then if you waited until there was no chance of a frost. And once built, you can also extend your growing season in the fall.... getting started...I got 22 old windows from my local freecycle. Many people who are remodeling offer up items that can be very useful. Also check the free section on craigslist. As there is more and more awareness about helping the environment, people are sharing rather then discarding unwanted items. Here is a link to building an easy cold frame that is just great. So I am thinking about delicious home grown tomatoes even though we have about 20 inches of snow today. I LOVE SNOW!! but spring will be nice too....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

a little distracted

okay, so I have gotten a little distracted from this blog....truth is winter came way earlier then I expected it to and time got away from me....but spring is buried someplace under that snow and it's time to start thinking about spring.